Jumat, 30 Maret 2012


  Jack was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship.

Khotbah Jumat Masjid An-Nur PJMI

Alhamdulillah, bisa ngeblog lagi nih


Hari Jumat ini dari tadi pagi aku dapet lumayan Ilmu rasanya. Nah, ini saatnya aku pengen berbagi sama kalian, hehe...

hmm, mau nyritain apa ya kali ini? gimana kalo crita pas Khotbah Jumat barusan? mumpung masih anget nih... itung2 ngetik sebelum tidur siang. hehe..

Seperti biasanya lah kalo kaum Muslim hari Jumat ya jelas waktunya sholat Jumat doonk. begitupun juga aku. selesai kuliah, liat jam nih. "Lohohoh... lha kok udah jam setengah 12-an!" yah, aku main untung-untungan aja, semoga masih ada tempat di An-Nur.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Malem, street fighter!

Halo, Rek!

      Halo, kali ini aku mau crita, apa yang terjadi malam ini. 
#a: emang ada apaan sih, penting?
#b: (tanpa ekspresi bilang) problem...
#c: apaan sih...

       Hmm... dari pada banyak cincong, tak kasih tahu dulu deh rek, kenapa dikasi judul gitu, Malem, street fighter! karena sekarang aku ma anak-anak kost lagi gila main street fighter. biasa lah, kalo masih minggu- awal kuliah gini kan mahasiswa pada ngeslow dulu, belum pada galau dan kebingungan. Tapi, g tau lagi deh, kali aja disana ada Mahasiswa lain yang dapet tugas melulu. hehe... selamat bertugas deh kalo gitu ! B)

crita bermula ketika.... JRENG, JRENG!!! #biar sangar rek!

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez

Malem ini pengen ngepost lagi!

Kali ini isinya tentang penyanyi yang sangat kusukai. entah kenapa waktu tahunya orang ini pas dengerin dari hape temenku. lagu one and the same, yang dinyanyiin sama Selena Gomez dan Demi Lovato. Iseng-iseng aku coba search Demi Lovato, kalo si Selena sih, aku udah tau. pas searching, ternyata aku seneng banget ama performance nya! mereka berdua emang SANGAAAR!!!

nih aku kasih penampakan 2 orang dengan talenta yang sip banget itu.

Demi Lovato dulu deh...

nih foto masih fresh loh, Demi Lovato pas poto2 majalah ELLE. tentu sangar!
oh, iya. clip nya si Demi Lovato juga keren loh! misal nih lagu skyscraper, tapi yang piano version. gak kalah sama video clipnya, karna suaranya tetep SANGARRR!!!

Selena Gomez neeeh!!!

nah, kalo ini si Selena pas syuting video clip who says deh kayanya. hehe...

kalo mau tau vclipnya who says, cepet2 aja ke tkp rek!



nah, kalo ini foto mereka berdua perform bareng!

  Bagaimana Rek, SANGAR kan?

Belajar Bahasa Inggris dulu rek!

Halo, semua. ini postingan pertama ku. 

yah, namanya juga belajar. dan kali ini aku mau ajak belajar bahasa Inggris. Eits, jangan salah, ini cerita asli buatanku. sebenarnya mau dibuat tugas mata kuliah bahasa Inggris, tetapi gak jadi. so, langsung aja!


 “Yes, yes, give to your right side, kid!” Donel shout to his student with the spirit. He is happy watch his students playing football. “Great, and ah, almost goal Skid! You do great job, Andy!” Andy is primary goal keeper in Football team from senior high school in that town. Donel is coach of that team. He sure his team will become winner in High school football championship next 2 weeks. “I’m sorry coach, my shot too weak for him.”
Suddenly, a man sits down at next to Donel.  Then, Donel ask him “Sir, I haven’t seen you before, can you tell me who are you?” “Oh, I’m sorry, eh, yes…” “Ah, I know, are you coach from other high school? Let me introduce myself. I’m Donel, coach this high school team”  “Ah, yes, I’m coach from high school in near this town, and I want to look your game. May I?” the man said. “Yes, and what’s your name?” “You can call me Ted!” said the man.
“Come on, kid. Take a Rest!” Donel tell to his student. And the man said“Oh, Donel, can you tell me why your students still play like that?” Donel confused with the man said, “Yeah, this is football like your student play at your high school.” “No, I don’t do that! But, I give one man one ball, and I order he to dribble along field. I want to make him great to run and dribble. Not only playing ball pass like that!”
Without thinking, Donel do what that new man said. All students are ready to dribble ball along field. And Donel stand up at side of field while give order to his students.
“hahaha… you do what I said? Ha ha ha…” suddenly the man laughs out loud! Donel confused with this situation. “What the…”
“Sir, I think we found him! He is laughing at that field. I can hear!” “Yes, great!” 2 people talk at loud, Donel can hear it even far from him. And then, a few people move to Donel “Sir, we are police officer. Thank you to catch this madman. I’m sure you will get appreciation from government. He ran from lunatic asylum two weeks ago.” The tall man said to Donel, and shows his Police ID. He stands with others guys behind him. “Ha ha ha…” the strange man still laughing and Donel more confused what the police said. “Yes Sir, you can bring him” said Donel to police with no expression. “Okay guys, bring him!” said that police to his men.
All of the student watch it. Skid comes to Mr. Donel. “Coach, why those police he bring your friend?” “None of your business, kid. This morning he… err, may be violated traffic light. Okay, let’s play like usual, Andy, you as goalkeeper, understand?” Donel tries to act normally with nodding his head. “And what about this dribble training along the field?” Skid asks. “Forget it!” Donel answered with his hand holding his bread. Donel still tries to act normally
Donel still feel weird with events that have occurred. “So why I heard what the crazy man said? Am I also crazy now? Oh, no! I don’t want to crazy. Ah, forget it Don!” Donel whispered to himself.
“Yes, Andy, you catch the ball so great! Don’t do crazy thing with that rounded ball!” Finally, he decides to shout his student’s, train them like the first time he did this morning.

Aku yakin kalo kalian mau belajar, ngerti lah maksudnya. hehe...